Blickman H-Brace (CSDT6830), Work Table, 68′ x 36′ x 30′

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These tables are designed for use as prep tables. They are heavy-duty tables with large surface areas designed for use in sterile and non-sterile environments. They are 36′ tall, which is in the safety zone for reduced back stress.

Features and Benefits

  • Heavy-duty, large surface area worktable.
  • Sanitary closed top helps prevent bacterial build-up.
  • Ergonomic working height, 36′, for reduced back stress.
  • Glides.

Technical Specifications

  • Dimensions: 68’W x 36’H x 30’D

Warranty Information

  • 1-Year Warranty

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Blickman H-Brace (CSDT6830), Work Table, 68' x 36' x 30'