Erler Zimmer Deep Face/Infratemporal Fossa


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SKU: MP1665 Category:

Erler zimmer deep face, infratemporal fossa

Features and Benefits

  • In this 3D printed specimen of a midsagittally-sectioned right face and neck, the ramus, coronoid process and head of the mandible have been removed to expose the deep part of the infratemporal fossa.
  • The pterygoid muscles have also been removed to expose the lateral pteygoid plate and posterior surface of the maxilla.
  • The buccinator has been retianed and can be seen originating from the external aspect of the maxilla, the pterygomandibular raphe and the external aspect of the (edentulous) mandible.

Warranty Information

  • 1-Year Warranty

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Erler Zimmer Deep Face/Infratemporal Fossa