Erler Zimmer Goldie – K9 Breath/Heart Sound Simulator


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Erler zimmer goldie – k9 breath/heart sound simulator

Features and Benefits

  • The highlight of this breath/heart sound (BHS) simulator is to allow students to perform auscultation, offering them opportunities to hear the different sounds with a stethoscope.
  • Instructors can chose various sound scenarios for the classroom.
  • This product uses plug-in modules, with data collated from actual patients.
  • Five speakers are installed directly in our Goldie canine BHS manikin.
  • The BHS unit also has two lights that illuminate during expiration.
  • It is powered by a 9V battery and comes with a limited warranty.
  • Each Goldie comes with a tutor MS, one Breath Sound module, one Heart Sound module, five installed custom speakers and a 9V battery.
  • Breath Sound module includes:
    • Tracheal, Vesicular, Bronchial-Vesicular, Wheezes, Monophonic Wheeze, Pleural Friction Rub, Stridor, Cavernous, Crackles, Pulmonary Edema and Puppy.
  • Heart Sound module includes:
    • Atrial Fib, Mitral Regurgitation, Mitral Valve Click, Normal Heartbeat, PDA, Pulmoic Stenosis, Respiratory Crackles and MR Murmurs, SAS, VPC and VSD.

Warranty Information

  • 1-Year Warranty

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Erler Zimmer Goldie - K9 Breath/Heart Sound Simulator


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